5 Dog Truths That Are Actually… False

pug fleas

We have heard them all!

“If you wash a dog when it’s cold the fur on his back will freeze and break!”, “Feed a dog anything sweet, even once, and he’ll become a diabetic!” And our favorite: “I was told if you feed a dog ice cream and he gets “brain freeze” he’ll be crazy for the rest of his life.”

There may be a grain of truth in all of the above but there are also some statements out there that make a lot more sense – but are actually are not true at all! For instants, for years we were told a dog’s wet nose meant he was healthy. However, that one is not necessarily true – but it is articulated as fact to us from child to adult!

Perhaps it and other untrue “truths” were passed down from our pioneer ancestors? They probably did not have a handy vet as the traveled west across the United States so took advice, true or not, from anyone who was willing to dispense it.

On the next page, we have five great “truths” that are absolutely NOT true. You may be stunned by some of these. We were!

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