How to Actively Protect Your Pooch From the Summer Heat

summer pug

Doggies can suffer from heat stroke and other complications if they aren't properly protected from extreme heat during the summer. However, these tips will help keep your pooch safe and completely cool. Find out who you can protect your pup this summer. It's a lot easier than you think!

As warmer summertime temperatures approach, it’s important to remember that dogs are vulnerable to injuries and illnesses related to hot weather including heat stroke, sunburn, and foot pad burns.

Heatstroke occurs when the dogs’ normal body mechanisms cannot keep body temperature in a safe range. Dogs don’t have the ability to sweat, and panting can’t fully cool a dog down when they are overheated
What can a pet-parent do to prevent heat stroke danger? Be smart and proactive!

When the temperature is high, don’t let your dog linger on hot surfaces like asphalt and cement. Being so close to the ground can heat their body quickly and is also an invitation to burns on sensitive paw pads.

Keep walks to a minimum.
Giving your dog a lightweight summer haircut can help prevent overheating, but never shave to the skin, the dog needs one-inch of protection to avoid getting sunburned.

Provide access to fresh water at all times. Make certain an outside dog has access to shade and plenty of cool water.

If you suspect your dog is suffering from heat stroke, fast action might save their life. Remove the dog from the hot area immediately. Wet him thoroughly with cool to room temperature water and increase air movement around him with a fan. Do not use ice or very cold water: it can be counterproductive since cooling too quickly can trigger other life-threatening conditions.

Even if the dog seems to be recovering, take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

If any of the organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, or kidneys have been severely harmed during the heat stroke, the consequences may be irreversible.

Dogs are by nature protective of their owners. Responsible owners must return the favor by protecting their pets from the dangers of excessive heat so they can safely enjoy the welcome warmth of the new outdoor season.

With a few extra precautions, you and your doggy can enjoy the summer without having to worry about heat stroke! Just remember to keep him cool if he's been out in the sun for too long. This summer doesn't have to be a drag! Your pooch will totally appreciate your efforts!

For more information on summer pooch protection, visit Dogtime.

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