The Amazing Love Language Between a Pooch and Owner

Mixed husky puppy

It's true. You love your pooch and your pooch loves you. But how do you know this is true?

For many love is not known only through words but through actions too. And it's the same way with dogs. Since dogs can't talk they are left with their non-verbals to show us how much they love us.

The more time you spend with your pooch, the more you know and understand what he's trying to communicate with you, including love.

But what specific non-verbal communication means that your doggy loves you? There are actually many things you can look for. One is obvious. Your pooch gets SO excited when you come home after being away for a while. Is his tail wagging like crazy and is he perhaps even jumping up on you? Then that's one way he's showing you that he's so happy that you're home and he loves you. So sweet!

Read up on more ways your pooch tells you daily he loves you. A few you might have not even known!

Via Tony Alter / via Flickr

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