(Video) 3 Pugs Chime in to Bark. The Chorus They Create? I’m Crying This is so Funny!

pug trio barking


We were once warned that if we get more than one dog we may regret it. They said one dog will set off the other dog and before you know it you have a chorus of frantic barking that will never stop!

We chuckled and inwardly rolled our eyes. Oh, come on. It can’t be that bad. If nothing else the pups will entertain one another and life will be well-balanced, right?

Anyway, we were still on the fence about adding a second pup into our family. Then, one weekend, a friend of ours – with multiple Beagles – asked us to come over and feed them and take them into the backyard for play and exercise, etc. We were there for an hour and could not take it anymore. The noise and chaos was deafening and exhausting! We are rethinking our desire for multiple dogs. LOL!

However, some homes with many pups are much luckier! Take the three precious pugs over on the next page. They have a sort of harmony going on that is as funny as it is fascinating to hear and watch. 

They may not be musical geniuses but they definitely know their cues! Go take a listen and enjoy the fun and strangeness of their bark-a-long!

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