(Video) 5 Things We Didn’t Know About French Bulldogs – A Few of These Are Shocking!

french bulldog black

As with any dog, there are some things the current or pending owner of a French Bulldog should know. While they are a smart, sweet, and teachable breed of dog there are also a few things any fur-parent will want to know.

Strongly connected with their human family they are also free-thinkers. That can be both good and bad.

Good because they do not necessarily need to be coddled and probably do not experience separation anxiety as much as some breeds but because they are free-thinks they also want to take over the household! It's their way or the highway! LOL!

However, besides the above, there are five (5) things about a Frenchie their owner should know and you will hear all about them on the next page!

If you are new to the breed run, don’t walk, over to Page 2. Some of these tips make sense and others are shocking!

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