4 Human Foods That Are Toxic and Can Harm or Kill a Dog

pug food

Make sure you never feed your doggy these foods. They may be safe for us to consume but it isn't the case for dogs. Find out what foods to avoid!

Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts can cause serious problems for dogs, even in very small amounts.

Symptoms of poisoning occur with 12 hours of ingestion and can include hind-limb weakness, vomiting, stiffness and loss of coordination, trembling, fever, abdominal pain and pale mucous membranes.

Grapes and Raisins

According to the University of Milan researchers, grapes, raisins, sultanas and currants — both raw and cooked — can cause kidney failure in dogs. However, not all dogs have the same reaction to these foods. For example, one study examined 180 cases of dogs who ate grapes and related fruits and reported that some dogs showed no symptoms after eating 2 pounds of raisins, while others died after eating just a handful.

Alcohol (ethanol) poisoning in pets typically occurs when a dog (or much less likely, a cat) samples an alcoholic beverage. Toxicity has also occurred in dogs who ate rotten apples, sloe berries and uncooked bread and pizza dough, all of which contain alcohol. Other potential sources of ethanol include paint and varnish, certain medications, perfume/cologne, mouthwash and certain types of antifreeze.

Chocolate is made from the roasted seeds of the Theobroma cacao or cocoa tree. The seeds have certain properties that can be toxic for dogs and cats, including caffeine and theobromine, which are naturally occurring stimulants.

Both theobromine and caffeine stimulate the central nervous system and heart muscle. They also relax smooth muscles, especially the bronchial muscles, and increase production of urine by the kidneys.

Dogs are more often the victims of chocolate poisoning than cats, because dogs like sweet-tasting things, and they are indiscriminate eaters to begin with. Studies have shown that dogs are especially sensitive to theobromine compared to other domestic animals.

Keeping your pooch safe is a lot easier when you've got all the information at hand. Knowing what foods to keep your doggy away from can save his life!

For more information on toxic foods for your pup, visit Healthy Pets.

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