Dogs bark during their walks for a variety of reasons. Some dogs get excited when they see other pooches walk by — they just want to make a new friend! Other doggies may feel threatened by another dog that's nearby or feels like she should protect you. Some dogs may even bark at people, especially if they look suspicious or different to them.
Depending on how much your doggy is barking when she goes on a walk, there are always ways to improve. If you have a smaller dog you can pick her up when you see another dog coming your way. If your pooch is especially small this probably would be a good idea anyway because you never know how unpredictable other dogs can be as well.
You can also use an ultrasonic training gadget like WoofWand to gain your dog's attention and give her a command.
For additional tips on how to get your doggy to stop barking during walks visit the NEXT PAGE.
Via Toshihiro Gamo / Flickr
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