5 Horrible Habits You May Have That Endanger Your Doggie

sad pug

Don't let these bad habits hurt your pet. Keep Fido safe and learn about these uncommon dangers.

Of course you would never deliberately hurt your beloved pet, but what if there were things you were doing — perhaps even every day — that were harming your furry friend?

1. Feeding them food sweetened with xylitol. 
Ingesting xylitol can cause liver damage and a potentially deadly drop in blood sugar in dogs.

2. Letting them lick lotions and creams. 
It's common and seemingly innocuous for our dogs to want to lick our hands after we apply lotion. But veterinary toxicologist Dr. Tina Wismer explains that a number of lotions and creams — even over-the-counter products — can poison our pets.

3. Smoking around them.
In dogs, exposure to environmental tobacco has been shown to increase rates of nasal cancer, allergic skin disease and heart disease.

4. Using cleaning products that are toxic to pets.
Even natural solutions should be used carefully — for example, baking soda can cause stomach upset and other problems if ingested.

5. Giving them human medication without consulting your vet.
Unless you've been instructed to do so by your veterinarian, don't give animals any medications that are meant for humans.

Now that you know how these habits can harm your pet, do your best to break them. It's better for your pet to live a long and healthy life rather than suffer. Stay informed and stay healthy!

For more information on harmful habits, visit VetStreet.

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