(Video) This Dog Feared Everything But That All Changed When She Got a Baby Brother

Dog and Baby

We may never know what it was that made Weezy afraid and so timid in the first place, but if the video below is any indication she is well her way to becoming a more confident and happy dog. It’s a good thing too because her baby brother is going to need her!

What a lovely family this is! Not only have they made room for a new baby in their lives but they also have Weezy, their very timid pooch, who needs more than a little attention! Yet, Weezy seems to understand that the baby means her no harm and, as a matter of fact, may need her help! That baby us defenseless, Weezy thinks, and it is up to her to keep him safe – at least until he learns to count to ten!

These two, no doubt, will be buddies until the very end of days. Weezy will teach the baby all she knows and the baby will teach her to not be so shy!

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