So Your Dog Has Diabetes. How Can You Treat it Naturally?

sick dog

Get your pooch feeling happy and healthy with these natural Diabetes treatments. They'll thank you for it by being more active and enjoying life again!


Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body is no longer able to regulate blood sugar levels.

The actual cause of diabetes in each animal may not be known. For some animals it is genetic. Diabetes is sometimes linked to an infectious viral disease or autoimmune disease.

“Risk factors for diabetes include obesity, an unhealthy diet, steroid treatments and, in unspayed female dogs, diestrus, the period of sexual inactivity after the female is receptive.”


It is always best to work with your own veterinarian along with a holistically trained veterinarian in determining the best treatment plan for your companion. Diabetes is a complicated disease and is different in every animal.

Diet is one of the most important components of a treatment plan for a diabetic animal. A diet low in fat is typically recommended, but a diet too low in fat creates health risks of its own.

For dogs with Type I diabetes, a diet high in fiber and complex carbohydrates is recommended to slow digestion and the release of sugar into the bloodstream.

Canned foods should be high in protein with little or no grain. For dogs, fiber can be added to the diet by including some lightly steamed or ground vegetables in the diet.

It is important to feed at least 2 times and preferably even 3 times per day to reduce meal size and spread out the food intake, as this will assist in keeping blood sugar levels more stable.

Freeze-dried treats are also good choices for most diabetic animals.

Dietary Supplements & Herbs

There are some Chinese herbal formulas that can be supportive in treating diabetes. It is best to work with a veterinarian trained in Chinese medicine in choosing the right one.

Supplements to support the animal’s immune system are also important since many diabetic animals have a weakened immune system. A good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement is important.

Vitamin E has been shown to reduce the need for insulin in humans, so I often recommend a Vitamin E supplement if you are not using an antioxidant that contains it.

Essential Fatty Acids, specifically Omega 3 fatty acids and GLA have been shown to both enhance glucose metabolism and protect against secondary cardiovascular problems in diabetics.

Many animals with diabetes live long, happy lives when their guardians are willing to put the time and effort into developing a comprehensive treatment plan.

Sometimes tackling a disease the natural way can be the best thing for our pooches.

For more information on the best Holistic Diabetes treatments, be sure to visit Only Natural Pet.

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