Why a Person Should Never be on Their Phone While Walking Fido

walking dog

Walking your dog should be a memorable experience every time. It can be quite dull for your pooch if you're constantly on your phone. Find out why you should put your phone away while out with your pooch!

1. To not be annoying
You — with your eyes glued to your phone, your dog uncontrolled and roaming around, slowly crossing in front of my car as you make your way from one side of the street to the park — are annoying.

2. To feel better
That dull headache in the back of your head from starring at screens all day will slowly go away if you take the time to decompress, live in the moment, experience fresh air and feel the love of your four-legged companion.

3. To be safe
All kidding aside, walking on public streets while distracted can be very dangerous for not only you but also for your dog. A skateboarder zooming up from behind, a squirrel on the other side of a busy street or a distracted driver are just a few obstacles that can be found on your daily walk. All of which become much harder to navigate when you can’t give them your full attention.

4. To let your dog know you love him
You know how it feels when you are in mid-conversation during a meal and the person you’re talking to picks up her cell phone and starts Instagramming her food. It’s disheartening and makes you feel second best. Don’t you think it does the same thing to your poor pup?

5. To give your dog the attention and time he deserves
We get so little time with our dogs. Not only do they have shorter lifespans than us, but they get left at home while we go out to dinner, friend’s houses, parties, etc. The little time we spend with them one on one, like our daily walks, should be cherished and not tainted by the distraction of a silly ol’ smart phone.

WOW! It looks like we may have unintentionally made our doggies feel second best by not giving them our full attention.

However, it's amazing to know that by simply putting our phones away, our pooches can enjoy their time with us so much better!

For more, be sure to visit Dogster.

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