Why Vinegar Should be Used to Everyone’s Advantage as a Way to Keep a Doggie and House Clean

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Our dogs are so cute and make our family feel complete. They also can create messes and get into things faster than we ever thought possible. Cleaning up after them and keeping them clean is tough. However, vinegar may just make things a whole lot easier. You'll be amazed by what it can do!

Ways vinegar can help clean your dog and house include: 

Cleans your dog’s ears

Vinegar clears wax, helps eliminate bacteria, and restores normal pH balance necessary to keep away fungal infections.  Mix equal parts vinegar. Use a dropper to place in your dog’s ears. Rub ears, allow him to shake his head. Wipe excess solution using a cotton ball.

Cleans pet urine from carpet

Vinegar can neutralize the ammonia from dog urine, helping to eliminate the smell. Pour vinegar directly onto the stain until it is soaked. Add a small amount of baking soda. Allow to dry for a day or two. Sweep up and vacuum.

Neutralizes odors

Spray it in the air, around areas your pup sleeps or hangs out in, or simmer it in a pot on the stove. Or, add it to your laundry detergent or carpet cleaning solution. Throw smelly blankets into a warm-water wash using your detergent like normal. Add 1 ⁄2 cup of washing soda . Add 1 ⁄4 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Fill the softener dispenser with 1 ⁄2 cup of vinegar.

Cleans mineral buildup

Sometimes the water bowl has that white buildup of lime and other minerals. The acid in vinegar helps break down that tough-to-remove substance.

Cleans glass

The acidic nature of vinegar helps break down grease and dirt to clean glass doors and car windows.

Ease itchy skin: The antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties of ACV works especially well on itchy spots caused by fleas and ticks.

Wow! It turns out vinegar can be used for so many things. Whether your dog needs their ears cleaned, or they had an accident in the house or if you need to clean those windows because of all their paw print smudges, vinegar has you covered. As long as you have some vinegar on hand, keeping the house and the dog clean won't seem like such a chore. This way you can just spend more time enjoying their company.

To learn more ways you can use vinegar to help with your dog and your home, visit Dogster.

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