The Many Benefits of Booties for Doggies


Most of us would never leave the house without shoes on. This is because we want to do all we can to protect our feet. Our dogs need the same protection. There are several benefits of putting booties on your dog. You might be amazed by what they are!

Benefits Of Booties For Your Dog Include:

Seasonal Booties
The extremes of weather can wreak havoc on your dog’s feet. Ice and snow can hurt feet that are not used to walking in the cold, and the sharp ice can cut through the pads of their feet. The addition of booties will protect their feet and provide additional insulation.

Dogs can benefit from wearing protective booties in the summer as well, particularly on scorcher days when the pavement or sand is extremely hot.  Dogs can get burned or frozen feet.

Injured Feet
If your dog has a foot injury, they may need extra protection while on walks. Booties will protect the wound and help to keep any bandaging in place, and help to keep the dog from chewing at the bandaging and the wound.

Rough Terrain
Sharp objects such as rocks in streams or on hikes, shards of glass or other debris, sharp shells at the beach,  can cut your dog’s feet. Booties can protect their feet from jagged edges that can pierce the pads of their feet or cut between their toes.

Vanity Boots
There are so many varieties of booties available for dogs, ranging from sandals and full leather boots, to color coordinated fashion of every kind. If you enjoy fussing over your dog with clothes, fancy collars and other attire, there are booties available for every taste.

As it turns out booties for your dog do have some very important benefits. They can protect their feet from major temperatures changes such as the freezing cold or burning hot ground. They can also keep your dogs from getting an injury on their feet or making an injury they already have worse.

Also, it can just be quite fun to dress them up and watch them walk around in their booties. Your dog may not like their booties at first but their feet will thank you.

To find out more about how booties can benefit your dog, you can visit Canidae.

Featured Image via Bah Humpug

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