(VIDEO) THESE 7 Vital Steps Could Save Your Dog’s Life in an Emergency…

sick pug

There's no need to be in a panic about a potential life threatening situation for your pooch, but it's definitely worth it to be prepared ahead of time. Listen carefully to Dr. Becker and keep paper and a pen handy. She makes some great points about circumstances a pet Mom and Dad need to deliberate on with a level head and heart. Then stay tuned for the 7 tips to remember:

1) Your vet's emergency phone number

2) The local emergency clinic number

3) How to get to the emergency clinic

4) Poison Control number (888-426-4435)

5) How to perform basic CPR on your pet

6) How to stop bleeding/apply a basic pressure wrap

7) How to muzzle your pet (to keep an injured pet from biting you) with a homemade muzzle

Keeping a list of everything that is known about your dog, including shot records, allergies and what you are willing to do in a serious situation, are givens. Finances are another consideration.

Think with a clear head about serious but often unavoidable topics like amputation, resuscitation, and – if you cannot imagine your life without your pup – can you manage a doggie that cannot function without 24/7 care? To read more about this important issue, visit Healthy Pets.

Honestly, we do not judge. It’s just something more to reflect on. 

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