(Video) Veteran’s Life is Forever Changed by His Service Dog, Merrick

merrick service dog

Dogs are so much more than pets or even our best friends. Whether they cuddling with us on the sofa or fetching the morning newspaper, dogs can provide a service as well as companionship.

For veterans and many others with disabilities, dogs are a big help. In today's video, you'll learn about Merrick, a service dog that changed one veteran's life forever. You'll get to see what it's like to have Merrick around for a day and how he helps his owner.  There truly is nothing that dogs can't do for us. We are so lucky to have them around!

You'll get to see what it's like to have Merrick around for a day and how he helps his owner.  There truly is nothing that dogs can't do for us. We are so lucky to have them around!

Check out the video on the next page to find out how Merrick the service dog helps his owner!

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