How to Safely Remove a Tick From a Dog

tick lyme disease

Ticks are a terrible creature for your dog to be infested with. They want nothing more than to jump on your pooch, clamp on, and feast on his blood. Unlike mosquitos, they stay put until they are gorged and your poor dog is in pain and miserable. Here is how to safely remove a tick:

Step 1: Scan for ticks
Start by running your fingers slowly over your dog's entire body. If you feel a bump or swollen area, check to see if a tick has burrowed there. Don't limit your search to your dog's torso: check between his toes, under his armpits, the insides of his ears, and around his face and chin.
Step 2: Is it a tick?
Ticks can be black, brown or tan and they have eight legs. They can also be tiny: some species are only as large as the head of a pin.
Step 3: Safe removal
Equipment: Gloves, Clean tweezers / tick remover, Disinfectant or antiseptic cream, Isopropyl alcohol
Stay Safe! Always wear gloves while handling ticks to avoid contact with your skin.
Using tweezers: Grasp the tick as close to your dog’s skin as possible (without pinching your pet). Pull it out in a straight, steady motion. Anything left behind could lead to an infection.
Using a tick remover: Gently press the remover against your pet’s skin near the tick.
Slide the notch of the remover under the tick, pulling it free.

After removing the tick, drop it into isopropyl alcohol and note the date you found the tick. If your pet becomes ill you may want to consider taking him or her to a vet. Be sure to wash your hands, clean your pet’s wound where the tick was embedded and make a point to clean the tweezers too with alcohol.

To learn more, including how to prevent future tick bites, go to the Humane Society. Even if your pooch only goes outside occasionally it’s a good idea to scan him regularly, especially during the spring and summer months!

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