Necessary Accessories You Need NOW for Your Dog’s Daily Exercise Regime

dog in field of flowers

Fido also needs treats when you're exercising to keep his energy up. If you're just going on a short walk don't worry about it, but if you're going hiking or taking him out running high-energy snacks are a great idea.

The same goes for a collapsible water dish. Bringing water is a must, but in order for Fido to be able to drink the water easily, a collapsible dish is a must.

With the proper accessories suggested by Health, you'll be prepared while exercising with your doggy for whatever situation should come your way!

1. Treats!

“If your dog needs refueling during a long run or workout, consider taking along high-energy snacks,” says Nelson. Just be sure not to feed your dog a large meal during, or immediately before or after, intense exercise; running around on a full stomach can put dogs at risk of a dangerous condition called bloat.

2. Cooling vest

Dogs can overheat quickly in warm weather, especially in the middle of the day when the sun is overhead. Try to exercise in the morning or the evening, but if you do have to be out in the heat with your dog, consider getting her a cooling vest that reflects the sun and uses evaporation to help regulate temperature.

3. A short leash or waist leash

Want to start bringing your dog on runs? Aramburu recommends using a four- to six-foot lightweight nylon or leather leash. “Retractable or long, flexi leashes are not ideal because they can easily get tangled around legs—the person’s and the dog’s,” she says. Once you’ve got it down, consider a hands-free leash that’s worn around your waist.

4. Paw wax

If your dog doesn’t like booties—or you don’t want to put them on every time you go outside in harsh conditions—try a wax. When massaged into your dogs’ paws, these products provide a barrier against ice, sand, salt, and hot pavement.

5. Collapsible water dish

Just as you should sip water throughout your workout, so should your dog. “I’ve found that a lightweight, travel dog bowl is the easiest thing to run with,” says Aramburu. “You can fill it up with your water bottle or, if you prefer not to carry one, a water fountain.”

6. Clean-up bags

Don’t forget bags to clean up your dog’s waste while you’re out exercising. Buy biodegradable materials to reduce your impact on the environment, and get a dispenser that clips to your dog’s leash to ensure you’ve always got one handy.

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