Science Just Unlocked the Reason Why a Doggy is SO Excited to See Her Human


Neuroscientist Gregory Berns has done a great deal of research on our furry friends. His discoveries, through thorough testing, are fascinating! Dogs not only identify their own humans’ familiar scent but they respond accordingly every time they see you!

“No other scent did that, not even that of a familiar dog,” Berns explained, “It’s not the case that they see us as ‘part of their pack as dogs,’ they know that we’re something different— there’s a special place in the brain just for us. What we’re finding with the imaging work is that dogs love their humans—and not just for food. They love the company of humans simply for its own sake.”

Berns also mentions that, while humans can think in abstract concepts, dogs cannot. So when a dog sees us, they’re either happy or they’re sad; there’s no in-between. And if we’ve been gone from the house all day, the dog has probably gotten bored without anything to do and any company. The second we walk through the door, the dog is happy to see us, but also wants to know where we’ve been. That’s why there’s a lot of smelling and face licking, because the dog needs to know if we’ve been with other dogs, and also if we’ve brought home food for them.

All we know is we adore when we walk through the door and our pooch is quick to greet us, appreciate us, and love us up! Often, we don’t even get that response from our own children!

Granted, it can be a little trying at time, especially if you are holding bags of groceries, but the love princess displays is well worth it! Now, if only science can tell us why she sneezes all over everything only when company is around… but that's another article for another time!

To read more go to Hello Giggles.

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