9 Picture Tweets of Dogs That Prove We Don’t Deserve Them

When you think about doggies, it's hard not to smile! They are the best animals to have around. We're still not quite sure what he did to deserve them! You're going to fall in love with these hilarious doggies.

This doggy knows his limits, and is not too proud to be helped.


Via: Taymonnnzzz

These dogs are all very good boys.


Via: Halfmoonemma

This dog knows what’s good.


Via: IAmBeastBoy

This dog is a lil baby.


Via: Charmele0n

This dog is just beautiful.


Via: realwonders

This dog just wants to be pet.


Via: Meakoopa

This dog is so smart.


Via: Surrgee

This dog knows how you feel.


Via: BabyAnimalPics

This dog doesn’t mind looking ridiculous just to make you smile.


via: QaizerSoze

I knew you would love these doggies! it sure makes you wonder how such awesome creatures got to be a big part of our lives, though, right?! Well, one thing's for sure, these little guys are definitely appreciated!

For more cute Twitter doggy pics, visit BuzzFeed.

Featured Image via Halfmoonemma

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