When you are a child and you’ve grown up with a big dog they may not seem as threatening to you as they can be for other children. We grew up with German Shepherds and while they are not necessarily the biggest breeds about they are larger than many and can make you feel invincible against harm from another big dog.
We have a niece who has been around big dogs all her life. She is five and when she saw a Great Dane for the first time, instead of looking nervous she was all smiles and running to the huge dog, hands grasping.
We were frightened, of course, and ran after her but the Dane’s owner merely smiled and told us Bruno was a gentle giant and loved kids. Indeed, our niece was hugging him hard and the Dane was looking about and patiently letting her.
If you love to look at big, beautiful dogs go over to the next page and enjoy the show!
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Tom Willens
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Diana Johnson
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…Awesome 🙂