Employee’s Letter to the Dog Who Ignores Her at Work Will Make You Have an Uncontrollable Fit of Giggles

dog named Ziggy

It’s the stuff of Molly Ringwald movies. Girl loves boy, but the boy does not even know she exists! It’s a sob-inducing ride where we hope the girl in question gets her guy. But in the real-world she probably will not!

Hence, we have a young lady and Ziggy – a big, gregarious office dog. It seems Ziggy is loved by everyone in the office and he loves everyone, allowing pets and kisses and kind words. But sadly he ignores the girl who probably loves him most!

She is understandably sad that he ignores her. Once she even threw herself in front of him just to have the dog stare at her curiously, wondering who or what she was about!

Visit the next page to read a sample of her letter to Ziggy, the office’s lothario dog!

Via BarkPost

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