7 Hilarious Truths You Go Through Daily if You’re a Pet Parent to a Picky Eater

little boy feeding a dog a treat

Getting your doggy to eat his kibble is a struggle we all know too well. Here are 7 hilarious truths about our furry picky eaters that will make you laugh!

Trying to feed a picky dog is just like feeding a picky toddler — you plead with them, remind them that they will actually die if they don’t eat, then give up and just hide their veggies in their favorite foods.

1. THIS.

food dog

Via The Meta Picture

2. They will wait until you finish your food before eating theirs…

starve dog

Via pax.and.carter.corgis / Instagram

3. The nice cashier offers your dog a treat and they refuse it so you explain that your dog just had a big meal.

dog refuses treat

Via PentagramSchematic / YouTube

4. You actually sit there watching your dog eat.

woman watching dog eat

Via Giphy

5. You’ve been known to throw your dog’s food on the floor just to get them to eat.

dog eating kibble off the floor

Via gifrific

6. Your dog knows who to go to in the family for maximum treat harvesting.

little boy feeding a dog a treat

Via InstaVidsTV / YouTube

7. But all the trouble you go through to get your pup to eat are worth it in the end.


Via harlanthecorgi / Instagram

My goodness! Some of these dogs are insanely picky! Their owners must go through a lot to make sure they eat every day! Lucky for our pups, there's nothing we wouldn't do for them!

For more hilarious truths about picky eaters, be sure to visit BarkPost.

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