9 Photos That Show Us That ‘Dangerous Dog Breeds’ Are Actually Very Loving

dog with chick

Don't believe the myth that there are many dangerous dog breeds out there. Take a second to see these adorable pooches as they show us how loving they can be.

We are fighting to put an end to the unjust reputations that these dog breeds have, mainly due to irresponsible upbringing. Any responsible parent knows these dogs have nothing but unconditional love to give.

1. Have you ever seen a dog display as much compassion as this “vicious” Pit Bull?

pit bull

Via Buzzfeed

2. All dogs are this gentle and calm around cats, right?

cat and dog

Via Pinterest


3. What scary creature still sleeps with a blankie!!? I mean seriously…

blankie pit

Via Pinterest

4. These guys are the BEST for cuddles.


Via Pinterest

5. Not every dog would let a baby chick crawl all over its face.

chick and pit


6. It is such a common misconception that German Shepherd’s are ‘aggressive’!


Via BuzzSharer

7. They even show each other unconditional love.


Via Pinterest

8. And when you’re feeling sad, they always lend a shoulder to cry on.


Via Pinterest

9. We have a real soft spot for Bull Terriers.

bull terrier

Via BowWow Times

All dogs want is a good loving home and a chance to be a part of a real family. These pups shut down any rumors that suggest that the breeds above are dangerous. It's just not true!

For more adorable and gentle doggies, check out The Holidog Times.

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