How Doggies Can Help You Have Have a Better Morning

dog with bone on his nose

What other ways can you have a better morning? Don't forget that breakfast is important before you head to work — and I'm not talking sugary cereal. Fill your body with good foods, and maybe you can sneak in a few pieces of fruit for Fido too. Thanks to these tips from DogVacay, your morning will be improved every day!

Check out five ways your pup can help you start your day off more peacefully and intentionally.

1. Practice Being Present First Thing
Fight the urge to reach for your phone first thing and spend these early moments sitting and petting your dog without distractions.

2. Savor the Moment
Right now, it’s just you, your dog, and the stillness of the morning. Remember to take it all in and relish in it.

3. Get Your Blood Pumping
Instead of hitting snooze three more times, push yourself to get out of bed and exercise with your dog.

4. Eat Something Good
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so set aside time to make something healthy and delicious for yourself.

5. Learn Something New
Put together a list of simple tricks you’d like your pup to learn and every morning, devote 15 minutes to working on one of them. This will be mentally stimulating for both of you.

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