Own a Shy Dog? Here are Excellent Ways to Build His Confidence

confident canine

Do you have a confident canine? If your pooch is friendly towards people, acts well in social situations, and has no issues approaching kind strangers, then the answer is likely yes. However, if your pooch tends to act overly shy around strangers and can be aggressive at times, his self-assurance is lacking. It's not necessarily your fault if your doggy doesn't do well with new people. It may be that before you adopted him he was abused or not properly socialized.

There are even dogs socialized from birth that still may be shy; that's just their personality.There are ways you can help Fido overcome him shyness, however, with proper training and working on his people skills. In time, a shy doggy can learn to be better at meeting new people, or at least, tolerate the situation.

Want to learn ways to build your pooch's confidence? Visit the next page for some must-read tips.

Via Luciano Meirelles / Flickr

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