Police Officer Drives 650 Miles to Return a Found Dog to His Owner

police offier and dog

This story is absolutely incredible! Wen you learn how far Bella traveled to return back to her family, you won't believe how it was made possible! This will make you believe in miracles! All thanks to a friendly police officer.

Wall Township Ptl. Frank Kuhl was called to the scene of an accident in which a Myrtle Beach man travelling with his Basset hound, Bella, was in need of medical care.

A week later, Bella’s owner was still hospitalized and family members were unable to make the drive from Myrtle Beach to Monmouth County to bring her home. That’s when Ptl. Kuhl decided to help.


via: Wall Township Police

On August 4, Kuhl, along with his partner Ptl. Michael Tancredi, drove 650-miles to bring Bella home to her family.

Kuhl may have been just as happy to return Bella home as her family was to see her.

WOW! What a lucky pooch and an incredibly sweet policeman! There was no way Bella would have been able to get home if it wasn't for him. I'm sure that lucky pooch will never forget Officer Kuhl!

For more on this amazing story, visit Dogington Post.

Featured Image via: Wall Township Police

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