(Video) Tiny Pup Hears a Potential Intruder and Knows Just What to Do

terrier puppy

Some people sincerely believe that we are born with an innate sense of what is right and wrong. Even without ever being taught we know if something feels amiss and visa-versa.

While you might have to think about it long and hard when it comes to the human beings among us, we can pretty much say that is accurate when it comes to the canine community!

Take the video over on the next page for instance! We have a lovely litter of gorgeous one-pound Yorkshire Terrier pups that are as cute and sassy as they come. They may seem only ready for sleep and play, honing their fighting skills, but when they hear something and sense their Momma’s agitation… they know something is up!

What will they do? What is this new intruder? How do they react? Go on over and check them out!

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