Prevent Ticks with 9 of These Home Remedies

Dealing with ticks on your pup is no picnic, but in the future you can prevent them from even leeching onto your pet. No one likes to see their fur baby in pain, let alone itchy and potentially sick! Check out these 9 natural remedies from Home Remedy Shop below that'll help keep ticks away.


Tick bite is usually painless. It remains painless even after the bite. But, several problems arise when tick falls off after feeding blood. The signs and symptoms are:

Localized intense pain
Shortness of breath
Joint pain

Home Remedies for Ticks

Various lotions and creams are available in the market to get rid of ticks. But, they might not be as effective as home remedies.

1. Lemon Juice

The citrus acid, present in lemon, helps in removing ticks naturally. You just have to use a fresh lemon against ticks. Squeeze out some fresh lemon juice directly on ticks or affected area of pet.

2. Citrus

Citrus is abundantly found in oranges and lemon. All you need to do is to prepare natural repellent oil from these citrus fruits. Take out peels of lemon or orange and boil them. Let it cool down naturally. Apply it on the affected area of pets.

3. Cedar Oil Spray

To get rid of ticks, use a cedar oil spray. Cedar oil acts as a repellent to harmful ticks. Use cedar oil spray, once in a day. Apply it directly on pet’s face, collar, and tummy area. This will surely drag out ticks from pet’s fur.

4. Neem Oil

Neem oil is the most common oil, preferred for removing ticks from pet. The anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties of neem oil are meant to fight against harmful ticks. All you are required to do is to pour a few drops of neem oil on your palm and gently rub it on the affected region.

5. Permethrin

Permethrin is a toxic substance, used to kill ticks. Simply spray it on curtains, clothes, and mattresses. Ticks get killed when they come in contact with Permethrin. There are various Permethrin formulations, which are registered for use on dogs and cats.

You can also dip a sponge in Permethrin-10 solution. Rub it gently on pet’s body to kill ticks. The Permethrin solution lasts for 3-4 weeks.

6. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural tick repellent. Instead of using alcohol on pet, use witch hazel. Just mix witch hazel and lemon eucalyptus oil in 10:1 ratio, stir the solution well and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray it on your pet to kill ticks.

7. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural remedy for removing ticks from pet’s body. To use baking soda against ticks, you need to mix half teaspoon each of baking soda and salt. Add this dry mixture to four ounces of apple cider vinegar. Pour this mixture in a spray bottle, filled with 4 ounce of warm water. Spray it on pets.

8. Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oils are rich in sulphur, which acts as a natural repellent for ticks. You have to mix two teaspoons of vegetable oil with 10 drops of peppermint essential oil. Add one teaspoon of dish washing liquid. Stir the mixture well. Apply it on pet’s body. Do not apply near eyes, ears, or mouth. For best results, practise this method once a week.

9. Liquid Dish Detergent

Liquid dish detergent is beneficial in killing ticks. All you have to do is to pour some liquid dish detergent in a bowl. With the help of a cotton ball, apply it on pet’s body, covering the infected area.

Image Sources: underthesun / via Flickr, DaytonBedbugControl

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