Their names include Valentino, Parsnip, Oreo, and Arthur. Four pugs you ask, all in one home? That is truly brave!
No, not quite. While some of us find it a loving challenge to keep an eye on one dog, and hold our own little fur baby with love and affection, here we have a lady, Becca Drake, who has thirty – yes thirty – pugs in her Cheshire, England home!
Now, before you wave a finger and tell us it is abuse, you need to know that these precious pugs are all well fed, bathed, and get all the attention, toys and kisses in the world. As a matter of fact, this pug loving parent tosses out big bucks to keep her furry kin happy!
As a matter of fact, this pug loving parent tosses out big bucks to keep her furry kin happy!
After the break go to the next page to see wonderful photos of this crusading pug lover, her brood, and the worth-while cause she is backing!