(Video) A Pet Parent Mentions a Cat’s Name. How the Pug Reacts? Major Freak Out Alert!

angry pug


Spanky the cat has a problem by the name of Samson the dog.

Generally speaking, it is not beyond us to say that dogs and cats have either a tolerant like for each other or out and out hostility. But when Samson merely hears Spanky’s name mentioned he absolutely freaks out!

No one seems to know where this came from but we have a suspicion. We think poor Samson is being haunted by the ghost of a cat or… or … We might even say Samson the pug looks possessed (just kidding, but really, that expression, though)! Oh no!

Why a cat’s name is the trigger? Who knows! But it is pretty funny!

You think we’re exaggerating? After the break go over to the next page and take a look at a pug who has yet to get over his cat prejudice!

Be advised, the name Spanky just may have the same effect on your precious pup! But not likely. LOL!

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