(Video) Dog is Having Fun Digging Sand on the Beach. Now Keep Eyes on the Puppy Behind Him.

dog and puppy digging in sand

You really need to keep your eyes on the younger dog, the way he tries to catch the sand, probably wondering how it's being lifted and tossed at her face in the first place. And big brother? He merely tolerates the intrusion and possibly makes it a teaching moment!

While the younger pups antics are hilarious we can’t stop laughing at the older dog acceptance. The entire scenario reads like an older sibling wondering why he was required to hang out with such a nuisance for a kid sister! You can almost hear him yell: “It’s sand. Get over it!”

Still, the bond and fun is there. And honestly, if you look at kid sister, there is nothing that is going to stop her from having a good time!

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