(VIDEO) Make Your Week the Best EVER by Watching The 10 Funniest Chihuahua Videos

Chihuahua 2

If you know anything about Chihuahuas it is that they can run hot and cold all nearly at the same time. They are absolutely loving to their master and like nothing better than to curl up on a lap and rest while mommy or daddy are watching TV.

Yet, if human parents want to play, to toss a ball around, he’s right there! Chihuahuas are bundles of energy, love, excitement, aggressiveness and can be quite unpredictable!

They may be little but they are loud!

Now, picture all of the above times ten! After the break, we have ten wonderful short snip videos combined into a fun compilation video featuring the best and worst of Chihuahuas.

They make us belly laugh, whether it’s a swimmer, a singer or a completely perturbed pooch with an attitude for days!

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