(Video) Mom Attempts to Barter With Angry Pug. Now Watch to See if She Pipes Down…


This way this pug decided that what fell on the floor must be hers is absolutely hilarious!

We all know that our dogs love to find and play with anything they see on the floor. They claim it like it has been theirs all along. When this pug picked up something that her mom dropped, she just assumed it must have been dropped just for her. However, when mom tries to get it back, OMG, it is just too funny!

What happens next will make you smile and you'll be laughing so hard you might have tears rolling down your face. The determination this pug has will have you feeling bad for her Mom.

This might be the best showdown between pug and Mom that you will ever see!

To find out who the winner is, please head on over to the next page and check out the video.

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