(Video) Spoiled Rotten Pug Throws a Huge Temper Tantrum. Now Prepared to be Shocked When Discovering Why!


Most of the time our dogs are so happy about pretty much everything. However, every once in a while they get upset and then they have to make sure we know exactly how they feel. This pug is so upset and the temper tantrum it has is unbelievable. You'll have a hard time controlling your laughter and you may want to watch it over and over again!

Lol! At first, this pug is just sleeping and then it sees the other dog on the same bed and starts barking at it. It seems that this dog has the pug's bone (or so he thinks), therefore he must let the dog know he must surrender the bone ASAP! LOL! The pug then starts to whine really loudly and scratch and paw at the walls to try and get his point across

Finally, he goes over to the other dog to sniff it and then starts throwing a fit again. He really wants that bone! The look on the pug's face just makes the whole thing even funnier. Do you think he ever gave up?!

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