What Does a Dog’s Sleeping Position Reveal Him? This is Surprising!

dog sleeping on tummy

If there’s one thing every good dog owner knows, it’s the complex personalities and expressions of their beloved pups. From a tail wag to a simple whine, owners know their precious pooches inside and out.

In an exclusive guide below, we look at some of the most common sleeping positions that dogs everywhere choose to adopt.

Very interestingly, “outdoor” and “indoor” pups assume very different sleeping positions.

Scroll further to read about all the unique sleeping positions that dogs can have.


How does your dog most commonly sleep?

The Tummy Curl

tummy curl

Via LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

Dogs that sleep in this position may not be as relaxed, since the muscles are still too tense to enable them to drift into the REM stage of sleep, according to Dog’s Best Life.

The Crazy Legs

crazy legs

Via LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

Dogs who assume this sleeping position usually tend to be very laid-back and have an independent streak.

The Passed Out

passed out

Via LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

Most of the time, dogs who have expended lots of energy during the day, or who are overheated, will sleep flat on their backs.

The ‘Superman’ Pup

super pup sleeping

Via LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

Many dogs sleep on their stomachs, but the “super” pups are probably the most adorable of them all. With all of their four limbs stretched out and heads level on the ground, they look like they’re flying through the air.

Dogs who sleep in this position are highly confident in themselves, and they also tend to be very adaptable to different and new situations.


Our own pooch is a “side sleeper” which we have learned means he is a contented and secure dog. This makes us happy and if you would like more information or if your dog does not fit in with the sleeping positions above, go to Little Things.

If you really take a good look at your pooch you might see he sleeps in varying positions and often he will move his legs or growl in his sleep, dreaming the dreams of dogs we assume. Just know, if you are a good pup-parent your dog, no matter what position he sleeps in, will be happy and that is what it is all about!

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