Why Laundry Detergent Pods Are so Dangerous to Dogs

laundry pods

Most of us know there isn't anything our dogs won't get into it. If it is on the floor or within their reach, it will become something for them to play with. Most of the time many things they find are relatively harmless and don't cause any major problems. However, laundry detergent pods are an exception and knowing why they are so dangerous may just save your pet's life.

The reason laundry detergent pods are so dangerous for dogs is:

The detergent in the pods is both highly concentrated and under pressure. If a pet bites down on the pod, it can cause the liquid to be forcefully expelled and easily aspirated or swallowed, often in large amounts. So even if you are using natural detergents in pods, there are still substantial risks.

Detergent is foamy, and when an animal ingests the stuff and then vomits, the foam can be pulled into the lungs. In a worst-case scenario, the detergent coats the airways and hampers oxygen exchange in the lungs, which causes suffocation.

Of the cases reported to the Pet Poison Helpline during 2013 and 2014, 72 percent of pets exposed to detergent pods developed symptoms of toxicity. Eighty-four percent had vomiting, 21 percent experienced coughing, 17 percent became lethargic, and 13 percent developed shortness of breath, wheezing, or other irritation of the respiratory tract.

The pods are designed to dissolve in water, so saliva from a dog’s mouth can weaken the plastic and cause the contents to leak out even if the pet hasn’t actually punctured the package.

If you think your pet has bitten into a detergent pod, first rinse out his mouth until the soapy feeling is gone. Do the same with any other exposed areas. Call your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary clinic right away.

These laundry detergent pods may be convenient for us to use but they are really toxic to our furry loved ones. They can cause our pet to have serious digestive problems, trouble breathing, and several other problems.

If you use these pods is it is a good idea to keep them high on a shelf where your dogs can't get to them. This way you can better protect your dog against this dangerous item.

To learn more about why laundry detergent pods are dangerous for dogs, please visit The Huffington Post.

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