Does Your Significant Other Dislike Your Pooch? Tips to Help Him Come Around

couple with dog

If your significant other doesn't like your pooch sleeping in bed with you, you may need to figure out a way to compromise. Perhaps a dog bed right near the bed will suffice.

If your pooch is a loud barker and he is waking up your boyfriend, then a behavior specialist can help with issues like this. Training your doggy not to bark during sleeping hours is a solution and will hopefully salvage the relationship for all parties. Keep reading the tips below from Good Therapy.

Practice Good Communication

If you’re starting a new relationship, take time to discuss your values regarding pets. If having an indoor cat or a dog that sleeps in your bed is important to you, you’ll need to ensure your partner shares these values or risk ending up in conflict.

Get Specific with the Problem

When there’s conflict over pets, getting specific about the problem can help you figure out a solution. If your husband complains about your dog constantly or your wife snaps at your cat, you might assume that the pet is the problem or that your partner hates your pet.

Consult an Expert

If your partner is annoyed by a specific behavior such as excessive scratching, it’s time to call an expert. A trainer can work with you to make your pet a more mannerly member of the family, and a veterinarian can help you uncover hidden health problems that contribute to annoying behavior. It will cost some money, but it may be worth it to save your relationship and keep your pet happy and healthy.

Accept Differences

You and your partner don’t have to agree about everything. You may find that one of you is simply less in love with your pets than the other. As long as your partner isn’t abusive toward animals, he or she doesn’t have to let Fido lick him/her on the face or put up with Kitty’s constant scratching.

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