This Newfoundland Dog Loves to Discuss Commands… Wow!

This Newfoundland Dog Loves to Discuss Commands... Wow!

Sebastian, a large Newfoundland dog, thinks following commands is a lot of work.

What's first on the list? Sitting. This funny doggy decides to bark at his mom while laying down. That's not really sitting, but we'll give him credit. Next task? His mom asks him to roll over. He actually rolls over this time, but he's semi-barking simultaneously and it's pretty funny.

By the end of the series of commands he appears to bark less, or so we think. During the last two commands he decides he's going to complain again. So he decides to start barking again. His mom doesn't give him a hard time though because he's still following commands. What a silly pup!

Watch the video below and here him chat about her various commands. It turns out he likes to complain every time his mom asks him to perform a task. No wonder dog owners think of them sometimes as children! He does what he's told, mostly, but he doesn't look very happy about it!

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