(Video) Mama Dog Begged for Food and Who She Delivered it to Had Me in Tears

pup and food

We need more kindness in this world and the following is a great example of what said kindness can do for a dog and all she loves. The chicken stand owner is on a mission to see where she goes after he gives her the chicken and we think his kindness is rewarded one hundred times over!

We love how the Momma dog looked back at him, a couple times, to see if he was a threat but decided if he was kind enough to give her the chicken then he was worthy of seeing her secret! And what a lovely secret it was!

She takes such great care of her puppies and the added chicken in their diet, a gift from a kind-hearted proprietor, must have been a real treat for Mom and her litter of healthy and grateful puppies! Just a little kindness and it is rewarded with… life!

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