Why a Dog Likes to Lick Her Human

pit bull kissing girl

It's a sure thing that your pooch has given you a slobbery kiss here and there. LOL! While it may not always feel very pleasant, there are reasons why your pup loves to lick you! Find out by reading below!

They learned it from Mom!

A mother licks her newborn puppies for grooming and cleaning. This nurturing use of licking makes it one of the earliest behaviors introduced to your dog… and one with a very positive association. “My mommy licked me, so I lick you! It’s the ciiiiircle of liiiiiiife!”

It’s their way of bowing to you!

Your pup’s lick might be a gesture of submission. Lower-ranking pack pups lick higher-ranking pups, and you’re the top dog! It might even be a way of your dog asking for food.

It’s all about that brain chemistry.

When a dog licks, it releases endorphins, the “feel good” hormone. Which means your dog gets a feeling of comfort and pleasure just from licking on you.

They want to play.

Licking can be one of the ways a dog gets your attention. And if they’re playing or play-fighting with you, they may have learned—with good reason!—that it’s better to lick than to use their teeth.

They like your taste.

Honestly, your sweaty, salty skin tastes pretty good to dogs! Maybe that sounds gross, but hey, salt is awesome. Anybody who enjoys a bag of potato chips can kinda see where a dog is coming from, right?

They just plum love you!

Dogs lick you just ‘cuz they like you! A pup doesn’t have as many ways to communicate as we do; they gotta use the tools available to them.

WOW! How interesting! There is so much that a doggy can say just by licking you. It's no wonder why they love to show us all their love! LOL!

For more on doggy kisses, check out Barkpost.

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