10 Insightful Doggy Secrets That’ll Decode What Your Pooch is Trying to Tell You

doggy secrets

Dogs hold a lot of secrets, and they expect you to decipher them. Since they can't talk, they're counting on you to fill in the blanks by getting to know them and figuring out their needs. Even if it sounds like a lot of pressure, it shouldn't be. As a pet parent, you should always learn your pooch's needs.

For starters, do you observe your pup's sleeping style? If she tends to curl into a ball when she sleeps, she may love a bumper bed, but if she likes to sleep with her legs sticking straight out, she will likely prefer a flat bed without sides or a bolster.

Another secret is not to overfeed your precious pup. It may sound obvious, but so many pet owners get caught up in giving into their dog's food desires that they forget one vital piece of information: overfeeding leads to obesity. Dogs can't afford to be obese because it can lead to health problems and in some cases result in a shorter lifespan.

Wanna know more insightful secrets from your fur baby? Visit the next page!

Via Shin_s / Flickr

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