10 Insightful Doggy Secrets That’ll Decode What Your Pooch is Trying to Tell You

doggy secrets

Yep, it turns out when your pooch is going to the bathroom, and she takes forever she's not taking her sweet old time to annoy you, but she's paying attention to Earth's magnetic field. Pretty scientific, huh?

That's not all either. Dogs like a challenge, so if your pup is looking bored at home play some games with her. Hide and seek will do as will putting together a toy food puzzle for her. Just don't give her too many treats — remember, you want to keep Fido fit and trim! Learn more doggy secrets on Modern Dog Magazine.

#1 I’m not just taking my time

There is a reason why dogs spin around before going to the bathroom. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Zoology found that dogs poop in alignment with Earth’s magnetic field.

#2 Different dogs prefer different types of beds

When choosing a bed for me, please pay attention to how I sleep. If I like to curl up, I’d probably love a bumper bed.

#3 Just because I’m wagging my tail…

…doesn’t mean I’m friendly or in a good mood. We dogs also sometimes wag our tails when we’re agitated, annoyed or angry. Pay attention to my tail's positioning.

#4 I like to be challenged

We dogs are smart and we like games that make us think.

#5 Please, please don’t overfeed me

All that extra weight leads to an increased risk of arthritis, heart disease, and cancer, among other ailments, so please don’t free feed us.

#6 I may be old but I still need companionship and age-appropriate exercise

Yes, I sleep more (please move my bed somewhere that I have my space but am still part of things) but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be roused for an after dinner stroll. I can also learn new tricks.

#7 Access to the backyard does not replace a walk

Dogs are pack animals and like to be with their people.

#8 I’m not just being bad…

I’m bored! So if I’m barking, jumping or wrecking things, chances are I need a lot more exercise and attention.

#9 If you’re a stranger…

Let me approach you. If you crouch down a short distance from me and glance off to the side, I will be much happier and more relaxed approaching on my own terms.

#10 I am a creature of habit and I like consistency…

…particularly where training is concerned. If my habits suddenly and drastically change, please take me to the vet.

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