10 Pugs That are Gearing up for Halloween!

Okay, so these Pugs may not be totally feeling their Halloween costumes, but we appreciate their effort! Why? One look at each costume and you can't help but love these adorable Puggies. Each Pug is a good sport for wearing a Halloween costume and looks wonderful as a unicorn, zebra, and even a lion. Which Pug in their costume from Buzzfeed is your favorite?

1. This pug feels utterly humiliated.


2. This pug finds his costume insulting to pugs and firefighters.

Chewie Pug / via Flickr: puglife

3. This pug doesn’t even like Star Wars.


4. This pug is plotting her escape.


5. This pug would like you to know that he is not a panda. He is a pug.


6. This pug literally cannot wait for it to be November.


7. This pug does not understand why she has been dressed up as a pug.

DaPuglet / Via Flickr: dapuglet

8. This pug never asked to be dressed up like a lion.

geraldbrazell / Via Flickr: geraldbrazell

9. This pug will never trust anyone again.


10. And needs a stiff drink.

Kristin “Shoe” Shoemaker / Via Flickr: linuxlibrarian

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