7 Times Dogs Totally Embarrassed Their Owner

silly pug face

Our lovable pooches sure can put us in awkward situations sometimes. Before we know it, they might be doing something pretty embarrassing in public! LOL! These stories will make you crack up! Read how these doggies embarrassed their owners!

1. The Obstacle Course “Winner”
“I was very proud to take my corgi to his very first agility competition. When it was our turn, I realize he’s not by my side, so my eyes search frantically when I see a commotion outside the course. My dear little man ran off the course to eat an unsuspecting woman’s hotdog! He horked it down, then returned to finish the course. I breathe a sigh of relief that he will at least finish, only he’s not beside me for the grand finale. He paused right before the final obstacle to poop, and with that, we were disqualified. We exited the field, me in shame and him in triumph!”


2. The Political Activist

“I took my dog for a walk when I ran into a candidate running for state representative and he stopped to talk to me trying to persuade my vote when my dog decided it’d be a good time to do #2 right on his shoes. The look on his face was priceless.”


3. The Mediator
“I’m not one to get easily embarrassed, but one time while walking my dog Bruno around our apartment complex, we started to come upon a couple who were clearly breaking up…I tried walking quickly by, but Bruno decided that pooping right in front of them was a good idea. So I had to stand there while this couple broke up, crying tears, the whole shebang, until Bruno’s business was done. It’s easily the most awkward I’ve ever felt.”

—Thomas Cummings, Facebook

4. The Stinky Cheese Thief
“Last year, I was having some important and high-up employees over for appetizers and drinks at my house, and one of them brought this really, really expensive French cheese. We had started off in the living room, and moved into the kitchen for drinks, leaving the food out on the table. All of a sudden, we hear this shatter and my shih tzu comes walking out of the room covered in cheese. He ate the whole damn thing and kept farting these really awful-smelling farts the rest of the night.”


5. Avalanche!

“I love snow, so I named my dog Avalanche. When he was a puppy, I took him on a ski trip and I left him all cozied up in the back of my truck so that I could come and let him out between runs. When I went to check on him, he jumped out over the tailgate and darted across the ski slope. This left me screaming his name, ‘Avalanche!!’ and chasing him across the slope. Everyone was quite confused as I screamed ‘Avalanche’ while chasing a dog across a ski slope. Eventually a ski patroller tackled him…‘containing the avalanche.’ Thankfully he still had puppy charm to get us out of trouble.”


6. The Classy Picnicker

“We went to a concert in the park with our then baby daughter and our dog Charley. We were chilling on a blanket enjoying the music when we realized Charley had undone his leash, walked three blankets down, and was begging for food in the middle of another family’s picnic. Then he walked down in front of everyone and started pooping.”


7. The Marker

“While picking up a guy to go on our first date, he let his dog out into the yard to meet me because I’d also mentioned that I wanted to meet his dog. His dog sniffed me once and promptly decided that my leg was the perfect place to pee. My date watched in horrified embarrassment as his dog took a leak right on my leg. We’ve actually been dating for over a year now and his dog hasn’t peed on me (or anyone else) since then! ”

—Amanda Goodner, Facebook

OMG! It was so hard not to cringe at these stories! They were all just so hilarious! These poor owners sure had no idea what to expect from their funny pups! Have you ever had something like this happen to you? Now that would be a funny story to tell!

For more embarrassing stories, visit BuzzFeed.

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