Do Pugs Make Good Family Dogs?

happy pug

There is no doubt about it pugs are adorable. However, providing quality care for any dog is a big commitment. This means that it is a good idea to consider all their traits when deciding if you should get a pug. Here are some of the main traits that might make them a wonderful family dog. You might be surprised by some of the things you discover about them!

Some Traits Of A Pug That Make Them A Good Family Dog Are:

Pugs Are Fun To Have Around

Being attention seekers, pugs love to play games with you, they will race and jump around the house and happily “dress up” and parade around the place, hence the name “clowns of the animal kingdom”.

However, the energy level of a pug can vary greatly.They can be both energetic and very laid-back and their mood will change depending on their surroundings.

While in a high-energy situation, these dogs will be very active and playful. Pugs are very curious and love to explore new surroundings and discover new things. However,In a more subdued setting, pugs will tend to be more mellow. They love to take long naps and a typical pug will spend a great deal of the day sleeping, up to 14 hours a day!

Pugs Are Stubborn but Highly Intelligent

Pugs are known to be very stubborn at times and can appear to have a mind of their own. I have seen many people lamenting the fact that their pug dog is “so needy” and demanding. Just remember that pugs are bred as toy dogs or companion dogs who thrive on attention and love to be around people. Just like a small child, pugs can become fixated with “wanting” something and they can make a fuss until they get it! However, don't despair, pugs are intelligent dogs so with patience and firm obedience training this will not be a problem forever.

Like most puppies and dogs, pugs do like to chew things around the house, which can be a problem. Luckily, pugs are very intelligent and they are fast learners when it comes to things that interest or excite them.

Do Pugs Bark?

Some people will tell you that pugs don't bark. The truth is they DO bark but usually not a lot. Pugs are generally very quiet dogs. When they bark it might sound more like a yodeling sound or they will make small “yip”s when they get really excited. At times pugs can be quite loud, bark and make lots of noise, especially when there is a stranger or new visitor to the house.

Pugs Do Snore and Sneeze

. Almost all Pugs snore and while some consider this to be really cute and charming, others might find it annoying, so take this into consideration when choosing a pug for your next companion.

The pug, like the Pekinese, English bulldog and Boston terrier, have been bred to have relatively short muzzles and noses resulting in the throat and breathing passages being frequently undersized or flattened. Pugs have an elongated soft palate that can protrude into the airway and interfere with inhaling of air into the lungs.

When excited, pugs are prone to “reverse sneezing,” where they will quickly gasp and snort and may make a strange honking sound. This is a type of gag reflex caused by fluid or debris getting caught under the palate and irritating the throat. “Reverse sneezing” episodes are usually not harmful to the pug and do not require treatment.

Pugs have more compact breathing passageways which makes it difficult for them to efficiently regulate their temperature through evaporation from the tongue. Consequently, pugs should not be over-exercised or allowed to become overheated.

Caring For Pugs

Due to it’s nature, the folds of the skin are prone to infections. Pugs have a high incidence of skin mites, especially when they are still puppies, so make sure you keep your pug well groomed and bathed properly.Take special care to clean in between the wrinkles to remove any dirt or debris that could cause bacteria build up and consult your Vet if infection persists.

Being prone to breathing problems pugs should not be allowed to become over weight.

Pugs LOVE food and will happily eat more than is good for them. Being an indoor dog, they are prone to laziness and will quickly become obese if not exercised regularly.The diet of a pug should consist of a high energy, good quality dog food from a reputable supplier or recommended by your vet.

With a proper diet, allergies, itches and other health conditions that pugs can suffer from, will often clear up naturally.

The Pugs protruding eyes can also be a health concern and should be kept clean and moist. Pugs eyes are not very well protected and this can lead to injury and complications.

Can pugs eyes pop out or is this a myth?

Pugs eyes have been known to “pop out” due to serious trauma and there are some reports of this injury being caused by coughing or sneezing although this is not common.

Pugs In The Movies

Men in Black (1997) – featured Frank the Pug
Men in Black II (2002)
The Adventures of Milo and Otis (1989) – features Otis the Pug
Hotel for Dogs (2009) – remake of the 1971 movie
Disney Pocahontas (1995) – features the pampered pug pug named Percy who “owned” Governor Ratcliffe
Dune (1984) – science fiction
Marie Antoinette (2006)

Pugs and Exercise

The pug is a great indoor dog and they are not considered to be very active dogs. Pugs spend a good part of their day sleeping but they do have bursts of activity throughout the day and most pugs love to romp around outdoors.

Daily exercise is one way to keep your pug healthy and fit. Pugs can walk pretty long distances, but a walk around the block is usually enough to keep your pug healthy, especially if your pug has a yard to play in during the rest of the day.

Pugs loves to run and chase other animals, their owners and children. Although they can't play a game of catch with a Frisbee, the way larger breeds do, they will eagerly play a game of fetch with a small ball or anything they can fit into their mouth.

As you can see, there are many reasons why pugs would make a terrific family dog. They love attention and don't mind playing games or even being dressed up and they can be stubborn but are smart and learn quickly. Plus, they don't bark as often as some other dogs. However, they do snore and sneeze do to their pushed in noses and face. They can have bursts of energy but can also sleep, hence making them good dogs if you have to be away from home for work or school.

Most pugs are good with just a walk around the block and as long as they don't get overheated, properly groomed and are checked regularly for skin irritations, they are pretty healthy dogs. So, if you want a pug for your family, they will most likely be a great and fun-loving pet to have.

To find out more about why pugs are wonderful family dogs, you can visit Pet Helpful.


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