How to Find Out if Doggy Daycare is Right for Your Pooch

Taking care of a dog is a big responsibility, and sometimes you may crave a day or two off, especially if you work at home. Luckily there's doggy daycare as an option and if you've never tried it, it may be a good solution. Before you take off for the movies, however, you need to see if your pup is a good fit for daycare.

To find out if daycare if for your pup, you'll need to take him in to see how he gets along with other dogs. If he does well and enjoys playing with other doggies, he should pass with flying colors. Then you can be on your way to your activities while he's having fun too!

There's more info you can learn about doggy daycare as well so that you're fully prepared on the next page. 

Image Source: e_haya / via Flickr


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