Should I Have a Fur Baby Memorial Service for My Dog?

Older Dog

Our niece has a beautiful dog that is now in his teens. She and her husband have prepared their young daughter for the eventual and we may suggest the following to help her get through that inevitable transition:

The service can include aspects such as:
•A DVD depicting the life of your pet
•Special readings that could include poems, letters, and memory stories
•A eulogy recounting your pet’s life
•A memory table set up that could include your pets favorites: toys, treats, collar and leash, blanket, clothes, as well as flowers and candles
•The reading of Rainbow Bridge

There are also ways to get your friends involved in the service and honor your pet:
•Have your friends bring written stories that you can include in a scrapbook.
•Take a donation of food items, toys, money and other pet related items to donate to a local shelter is a way to give back to the needy pets.
•Plant a tree or flower in honor of your pet.
•Place a rock in your flower garden.
•Organize a walk in memory of your pet, donating the money to a favorite pet charity.

Some lovely ideas above and even if you do not have a large ceremony, keeping it amongst the family, the ideas of making a video, planting a tree in honor of your pooch or even making a donation to a dog shelter are wonderful things to think about.

To read more on this sensitive subject go to Dogtime.

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