Some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Pugs

pug leash


Some people will tell you that a pug is unlike any other dog. It looks different, acts different, is needy, is independent, is healthy, and also has many health problems. How are we really to know what a pug is like when we get so many different answers from so many different people?!

First of all, your best bet is to not just ask pug lovers. They will often over-hype their dog. We are not saying they will be wrong but they are hardly objective!

Instead, go to breeders, dog borders, and even a vet assistant or someone like that. They will be honest with you, tell you the truth about the pup you are considering adopting.

But, of course, if you already own a pug or have your heart set on one, you may still have some question that has developed over the years! That just sort of shows the enigma that is a pug. They are never truly a dog you can pinpoint – but many will try!

Go on over to the next page and let us see if we can answer some frequently asked questions about our precious pugs. Even a mystery, they say, has to take time out once in a while to be recognized!

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