7 of the Most Frenquently Asked Questions About Pugs

happy pug

If you've had questions about Pugs all your life, then get ready to have the answers. You'll learn the answers on some of the most frequently asked questions about this breed. Now they won't seem like such a mystery. Find out what you need to know!

Do Pugs get along with other animals?
Pugs are generally very friendly, and easy going. That is not to say that Pugs will always get along with other animals. A lot will depend on the personalities of both animals, also their age and size. It’s important to be aware that cats can cause permanent damage to a Pug’s eyes with their sharp claws – the same with birds and reptiles.

How long do Pugs normally live?
Being a small breed, healthy Pugs normally live from 12 to 14 years. A Pug is a long-term commitment!

Are Pugs clingy dogs?
Of course, there will be exceptions, but the answer to this question is almost always Yes. Pugs, by nature, love people. They love to be with their people and are therefore usually found at your feet, in your lap or by your side at all times. If you want an independent dog, a Pug is not for you.

Do Pugs really snore?
Yes! Almost every Pug snores. Some can even be loud enough that they are mistaken for a person snoring. Pugs also will snort, snuffle, wheeze, and grunt. To some, these sounds are sweet and cute, but to others they may be nerve-wracking.

Do Pugs shed a lot?
Yes! Do they ever! Most Pugs have a double coat of fur where the undercoat constantly grows and pushes the overcoat out. This, coupled with their being indoor dogs that don’t shed based on the season makes for a whole lot of shedding going on!

What kinds of pug mixes do you have?
Our most common mixes are Chugs (Chihuahua/pug), Puggles (Beagle/pug), Bugs (Boston Terrier/pug) and Dachshund/pugs. We’ve also taken in pugs mixed with Pekingese, Labrador Retrievers, Boxers, Bulldogs, Poodles, Whippets and even German Shepherds.

I thought I wanted a purebred pug. Now I'm confused!
Don’t be! Purebred pugs are wonderful, and we have a lot of them, too. We take in hundreds of dogs every year, giving you many options to choose from. It all boils down to what is best for you, your lifestyle and your household.

There you have it! All of the answers to the Pug questions that you've ever had. Now they're a little less of a mystery however that doesn't make them less magical! LOL!

For more on Pugs and frequently asked questions, visit Austin Pug Rescue.

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