(Video) Dog Was About to be Euthanized, But Then They Noticed THIS…

Holly doggy

If you're having a rough day, then this heartwarming story will make you smile!

We all know that when animal shelters are overcrowded, some doggies are unfortunately euthanized. It's sad to even to have to think about this possibility of a dog being put down, but it sometimes happens.

Well, this shelter pooch gets a very close call. She was just about to be euthanized but got saved at the last minute for five amazing reasons.

You need to watch and learn the story of Holly, the shelter dog. After learning her story, you'll be so glad to see that she was saved just in time! This little pooch sure is one lucky girl!

Watch and learn all about Holly's incredible story of survival and second chances on this incredible video on the next page!

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